Level 1 Qi Gong Technique:
Introducing one of the cleansing techniques of Level 1 Qi Gong – Waterfall.
This technique gently flushes out and washes away and cleanses your energy body of impurities. Using your mind to allow the water to wash through you, every organ and cell in your physical body, assist to remove built up toxins, pollutants stored memories or emotions. Anything that may cause you to feel dulled down, lethargic, or hindering a sense of aliveness in you.
Benefits you may experience include a new vibrancy, increased energy and vitality, more clarity, feel less stressed and relaxed.
Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese energy practice that has many benefits to the mind and body. It can be cleansing, nourishing, and grounding while over time teaching you discipline and how to connect with your inner wisdom.